May 24, 2013

Hey guys! Sorry for no updates lately. I have been super trying to finish up my new stop motion series! Whaz up? I had a really great time on Monday! My family, my sister's friend and I all went to Cedar point! It was so awesome! My favorite rides were Maverick, Raptor, and GateKeeper. They were all so much fun! My brother and I were called, "The Penny Sweepers". Yep, that pretty much sums it up! By the end of the day, we had 86 cents. 41 were nickels and dimes, but 46 were PENNIES! Isn't that crazy? :) We also had a mishap Wednesday night. In our basement, we have some shelves that we stock full of jars and cans and boxes of foods. Well, I was putting a jar of Prego on one of the shelves, when the whole thing broke. The top shelf broke, then all of the rest broke, too! I was right in the middle of all of the falling jars and cans, and I can't believe that afterwards, I only suffered a minor scratch on my toe from some glass! The Lord is good! We ended up with a HUGE red blog of spaghetti sauce, Hot sauce, Salsa, and Alfredo sauce on the floor, but it got cleaned up immediately. Miraculously, only four jars broke(plus a Fiber One box being completely demolished)! But you should smell it down there! Whoof! And the funny thing is, I was scared down in our scary basement, so I was singing some (stupid, uncreative) made-up song about the Lord protecting me, when THAT happened! And he did, very much, protect me. :D Have a great Weekend! (Sneak Peak from my Series)

May 13, 2013

Hey guys. Okay, so I've got bad news, and bad news. I'll start with the bad news. So........I WON'T BE CONTINUING MY RUNNING OUT OF TIME SERIES! (gasp!) Yea, I am soooooooooooo sorry guys! There are a couple of reasons why. One, is that there were SO many details, I couldn't plan them all out! It would take like, forever. Two, the book was due. Three, I started to get bored with it. I mean, I like to be creative with my stop motions, and with this, I was just basing it off of the book. And that was  boring. But once again, I am extremely sorry! I feel super bad! This is the third stop motion series I have started, then stopped. The other two were from my old blog. I just feel bad, because my friend reads my blog and stuff, and I can't finish them for her, and that stinks. So I think I have learned a lesson, also. I will not say on this blog about my series until it is all done with filming and a couple episodes have been edited. I guess series have never really been my thing, because I get easily bored with them. I have an idea for a DIFFERENT series, the subject being something I actually can have fun with, but I am definitely not promising anything, guys. So, once again, I am very sorry! Won't happen again. Now, on to the bad news. So the AG place is opening up only thirty minutes away from my house now! I am super excited, but. It opens up on June 22nd, a Saturday. And I go to camp on June 23rd. I am extremely bummed out! I mean, really?! That only day? I might not have been too upset, but, then I heard something. americangirlmegan11 is going to be there! She is a stopmotioner, and It would be so awesome to meet her! So, now I am begging my parents like crazy to let me go on that Saturday. They would go with me, but the only thing is that it will be CRAZY busy! I mean, I will walk there if I have to, I want to go so bad(which, is an exaggeration. It would take me probably two hours.)! But I really really really hope my parents will let me go! One thing though, is that I would have to leave my doll that I will be buying at home for the week I will be at camp. Thankfully, camp is only a week, but I am still super excited! Hopefully it will all work out, though. :/ So, I guess I'll see you guys later. Bye. (And P.S I got the Jess  book today at Half Price Books! A small good news! )

May 11, 2013

May 10, 2013

I would like everyone to read this post in silence. because........................My fish died just this morning. (That's the reason for this background) DON'T LAUGH! This goldfish was THIRTEEN YEARS OLD. My older sister got him when she was a toddler! (Before I was even born!) We actually got four fish. One died right away because it was blind. We named one small, one medium, and one large. Small died about a year later(Large kept stealing his food). Then Large died on my birthday six years ago. That only leaves.........Medium. We re-named Medium Chuck Norris just three weeks ago............he could only live a couple more weeks to live up his name. I can't say I have a cat named cookie and a fish named Chuckno anymore. But Chuckno lived a very long and happy life. Long live Chuck "medium" Norris. We will miss you dearly. Farewell, old friend. :'(

May 5, 2013

The story is told of a lady who was rather old-fashioned, always quite delicate and elegant, especially in her language. She and her husband were planning a week's vacation in Florida, so she wrote to a particular campground asking for a reservation.

She wanted to make sure the campground was fully equipped, but didn't quite know how to ask about the toilet facilities. She just couldn't herself to write the word "toilet" in her letter. After much deliberation, she finally came up with the old-fashioned term BATHROOM COMMODE. But when she wrote that down, she still thought she was being too forward. So she started all over again and rewrote the entire letter referring to the bathroom commode merely as the BC. "Does the campground have it's own BC?" is what she actually wrote.

Well, the campground owner wasn't old-fashioned at all, and when he got the letter, he just couldn't figure out what the woman was talking about. That BC business really stumped him.

After worrying about it for awhile, he showed the letter to several campers, but they couldn't imagine what the lady meant either. So the campground owner, finally coming to the conclusion that the lady must be asking about he local Baptist Church, sat down and wrote the following reply:

Dear Madam: I regret very much the delay in answering your letter, but I now take pleasure in informing you that a BC is located nine miles north of the campground and is capable of seating 250 people at one time. I admit it is quite a distance away, if you are in the habit of going regularly, but no doubt you will be pleased to know that a great number of people take their lunches along and make a day of it. They usually arrive early and stay late. It is such a beautiful facility and the acoustics are marvelous. Even the normal delivery sounds can be heard.

The last time my wife and I went was six years ago, and it was so crowded we had to stand up the whole time we were there. It may interest you to know that right now a supper is planned to raise money to buy more seats. They are going to hold it in the basement of the BC.

I would like to say it pains me very much not to be able to go more regularly, but it surely is no lack of desire on my part. As we grow old, it seems to be more of an effort, particularly in cold weather.

If you do decide to come down to our campground, perhaps I could go with you the first time you go, sit with you, and introduce you to all the other folks.

Remember, this is a friendly community.

Campground Owner

Haha, Hilarious!!!!