Feb 10, 2015

Hey guys! I'll go straight to the point that I'm writing this. A lot of things have changed lately, and I don't really like making stop motions or playing with dolls anymore. I really, really still want to, but it's just not fun. You know what that means.........I'm stopping this blog. I'm not going to delete it, because who knows, maybe I'll come back later with another blog idea. And I've put a lot of thought into more ideas to keep blogging, because I don't want to stop. I just don't have any good ideas right now :P  I really enjoyed it when I was younger but, for now, I'll be gone. Just didn't want to leave anyone hanging ;) I hope to come back on here soon!  Bye!

May 26, 2014

Back, baby!

Woah, haven't posted here for a while! I've been so.............not really busy, but I kind of forgot about it. :/ My older sister just graduated though, which DID take up a lot of time! Ha, excuse! So, i'm thinking of doing something new. American Girl dolls have, sadly, not been as much fun as they used to, as I said in my last post. So, how about this: I'll start doing movie ratings! I really like movies, so why not? (Lately I've been watching all the X-men movies....They're great!) If you have a movie suggestion, put it in the comment section and I'll see what I can do! So un-professional, I know xD. Well, ta-ta for now! Let's see if I can remember to blog more this time. :) Bye!

Jan 23, 2014

Woah, I haven't made a stop motion in SO long! Well, there's a reason. I have been taking a "break" from the blog for a while. I don't know why, I just kind of forgot about it, and forgot about making stop motions. That brought me to think of something while making this stop motion. Is this my last stop motion I will make? Maybe. Will I be done using my AG dolls? Maybe. Am I done with this BLOG? Maybe. Hopefully not, but something changed in the last year and it just hasn't been much fun to do it anymore. I am hoping I can FIX that change, but I will have to see. And by the way sorry this is kind of a dumb stop motion. It was last minute. Literally. That's why Gretchen's "minion" costume looks REALLY, REALLY bad xD. Don't judge. :P

Dec 20, 2013

Whoa!  I haven't posted in so long haha! I'm on Christmas break now(thank God) so maybe I can post more! :) I've decided for the new year, I'm going to start doing reviews! Yep, that means every end of the month, I will be posting my favorites for that month(Ex: September Favorites)! I am going to do one starting the end of this month, so I will be doing one for December, then January, February, etc. I will also tell you WHY I love those things! :) I am going to do like, a list of things, like a category for favorite foods, products, movies, idk I'll think about them as I go along xD.................thanks for reading this little update though, and have a Merry Christmas! Bye! P.S. don't forget to comment down below to make me happy! :)

Bonus Story(because I'm bored): Last week we went sledding at this SUPER steep hill! It was really high, and me and my siblings were so excited! So we went up the little path up to the top of the hill. Little did we know, it was probably THE iciest day. So we were walking up a giant hill. Lugging giant sleds. On ice. Man, it was pretty funny the first time we went up! We were slipping like crazy! I especially could NOT.GET.UP.THAT.PATH! It  took me like, five minutes of slipping, falling, and dropping my sled! Every time! Meanwhile, my siblings were already sledding down the hill and they said it was really fun xD....... So I went down and I went SO fast! It was also pretty cool that we were the only people there haha!  Half hour later, we went to a different hill. It wasn't as steep but it was still cool. Well, that was when the bad part happened lol! My brother and I got onto the same sled and went down the hill. Well, we didn't know it was the bumpiest side of the hill! Every bump I flew higher and higher off the sled XD!!!! I finally went airborne, but when I did I hit my arm on a patch of ice. It hurt SOOOO bad! At first we didn't know if it was broken(which it isn't by the way!), but I do have a major bump on my arm now. Ouch! :'(

Nov 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! :) I had a really great thanksgiving, and I hope all of u did, too! It was great to visit with my Grandparents. The frosted cookies, sparkling juice and stuffing were my favorite dishes! Plus, we finished off the day by watching Man of Steel! (Superman) But my family and I didn't focus on the food for today. We focused on what Thanksgiving is really about. Most people just call it "Turkey Day", and forget the true meaning. We all made sure to pray and give thanks for everything we have, and I hope u did the same! :) I thank the Lord for my Salvation, a church and a Godly family. God has been so good to me and my family and I am so thankful to him. :D Have a great thanksgiving!