May 26, 2014

Back, baby!

Woah, haven't posted here for a while! I've been so.............not really busy, but I kind of forgot about it. :/ My older sister just graduated though, which DID take up a lot of time! Ha, excuse! So, i'm thinking of doing something new. American Girl dolls have, sadly, not been as much fun as they used to, as I said in my last post. So, how about this: I'll start doing movie ratings! I really like movies, so why not? (Lately I've been watching all the X-men movies....They're great!) If you have a movie suggestion, put it in the comment section and I'll see what I can do! So un-professional, I know xD. Well, ta-ta for now! Let's see if I can remember to blog more this time. :) Bye!


  1. Sounds cool! So glad you're back! How about Despicable Me?

    1. I love them both! It's up to you; I know the reviews will be awesome!

  2. the movie Frozen would be a good movie, although, you were probably gonna do that anyway... you should see my mom's blog to see the video of me playing Let it go, and moonlight sonata.

  3. Are you going to be doing TV series too?
    'Cause if you are, you should review max steel, it's on netflix, and it's sort-of a cartoon ,sort-of C.G.I. any way ,you'll see.
