Jul 26, 2013

Well, My Birthday went awesome! :) Thank you to everyone who sent me cards and gave me gifts! InmotionStudios21, Thank you for the package! I will talk to you about it later. :) For my cake, I had a triple chocolate  tiger bar cake(it was awesome, thanks mom and dad!)! We also went out to Pei Wei(spelling?) for the first time for dinner. I like their Sweet and Sour Chicken lol. But yeah, I'll stop now. :) Have a great day, guys!

P.S. I uploaded a stop motion, but it won't play! :( If I upload it to video, it says there's an error, if I upload it to pictures, it just plays a couple photos for some reason. No sound, and it cut out A LOT. I will upload another one, I guess!
P.P.S New Post on Nail Glazed!

Jul 25, 2013

Yay Yay yay! Today is my Birthday! :D :D I haven't opened my gifts yet, but I will be sure to show you guys what I got! :) I haven't opened my gifts yet,  because I am waiting for some cards that will come in the mail today, then I will open everything. okay, bye guys! :D (P.S. InmotionStudios21, thanks for the package! It's waiting under my Birthday Tree I made. Can't wait to see what's inside!)

Jul 9, 2013

Jul 2, 2013

Awesome and Awkward

Camp Popeye Awesome & Awkward
* Making tons of new friends
* Hearing so many amazing testimonies at the bonfire each night. It's amazing to hear about the terrible things that happened to these people and they can still talk about it and trust in Jesus!
* Not being able to finish my chocolate, so I began to throw some pieces over towards the boys table. All of the boys stared at it, and a second later a hand came out and slowly pulled the chocolate in. The next piece I threw was quickly fought over. Epic!
* Playing Human Bowling
* Playing Human Pacman at 7:00 at night, with Pacman music blaring from a soundtrack in some one's car. So cool!
* Being on my favorite team, the blue team. (There are four teams. Orange, Red, Yellow and Blue. I was on Blue last year, too!)
* Having amazing team leaders, Todd and Emily. You guys rocked!
* Being able to say all 24 verses on Wednesday there. I was super excited!
* Swimming in the new pool they got at Camp, and also sitting under the small, shaded tent with the counselors.
* Seeing some pretty cool pictures from the Camp. I love the ones with me in them!
* The people who set the camp up just, being able to put up the whole camp. I am amazed and so blessed that I can go to Camp Popeye!
*  Being able to go to West Virginia! Oh yeah!
* Listening to everyone with their Country accents ha ha!
* Seeing Mingling with Mitchell there. :)
# Saying a long verse to one of my team leaders, and watch them slowly fall asleep. And then their zonked. And I hadn't even finished the verse yet! Lol.
# Raining all day on Thursday last week, the last full day of camp. :( It was kind of boring that day.
# Getting my team folder all wet from the pool.
# Got pushed so fast in Human Bowling that when I got to the pins, my BFF was still putting up pins. My flat scooter suddenly went backwards, and I hit her!!!