May 26, 2014

Back, baby!

Woah, haven't posted here for a while! I've been so.............not really busy, but I kind of forgot about it. :/ My older sister just graduated though, which DID take up a lot of time! Ha, excuse! So, i'm thinking of doing something new. American Girl dolls have, sadly, not been as much fun as they used to, as I said in my last post. So, how about this: I'll start doing movie ratings! I really like movies, so why not? (Lately I've been watching all the X-men movies....They're great!) If you have a movie suggestion, put it in the comment section and I'll see what I can do! So un-professional, I know xD. Well, ta-ta for now! Let's see if I can remember to blog more this time. :) Bye!