Sep 21, 2013

So, last Tuesday we went hiking at like a specially made hiking place. It was really cool! We were up so high some times on these big rocks, and we went in caves, and saw watertrickles(with fish in it!). But still, it was so high standing on the humongous rock paths! It was great. We went into one really dark cave, and you could hardly see anything, in the middle of the day! It was kind of slippery, but I only slipped twice. :) Gonna go watch the football game! Seeya guys! (P.S. in the football game the referee just got trampled over. :D funny but cruel) Comment if you've ever been hiking, or if you like watching football!

Sep 11, 2013

First Cross Country meet on Saturday, and my family won't even be there! :( One of my teammates is bringing me, though, so yay! :D I'm SO excited! There are going to be 312(shut, up! It's so crazy!) other girls there in my age group. We all r going to b running 2 miles and see how fast we can go. We won't really be racing each other, but trying to beat our own time. Can't wait! Friday I'm having someone over. trying to think of things to do with her! So far painting nails, playing Wii and walking ma dog r in the lead lol. See yea guys lates! Bye! (p.s. now allowing comments!! :D :D :D :D :D  comment down below what you think of my Cross Country, and what YOU'RE excited for! I love getting comments :)  )